Connecticut, Ecuador
Matilde Serena
Battles: 2k
Wins: 40%
Score: 75
Since Matilde Cigars introduced their first cigar in 2014, the brand has carefully unveiled a singular release each year following—slowly filling the full range of smoking experiences for enthusiasts. But in 2016, Matilde broke the trend, quietly shipping boxes of an unannounced cigar to a select number of retailers following the 2016 IPCPR show. The big announcement for Matilde at IPCPR was “Quadrata“, a medium-full-bodied experience, but what wasn’t featured was the brand’s first “mild” cigar: Serena.
Serena showcases the same presentation as all other three cigars in the Matilde portfolio, using an aqua-colored band (and matching boxes) to introduce smokers to the delicate side of the brand. Unlike the brands other releases thus far, Serena is much more limited. The cigars were said to originally be shipped in small batches to only ten retailers, with expansions being made towards the end of 2016. The cigars are not true, limited edition production smokes—with plans to expand production over 2017.
cigar Breakdown
Core flavors
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